
I’m still here. I just had some things going on that prevented me from writing and such. These type of posts annoy me when I see others posting them as I don’t care why others are writing as long as they’re writing now. However, I feel like I owe you guys an explanation.

Firstly, I hadn’t written because I felt like I was forcing myself when I didn’t want to and when you force writing, the quality takes a negative hit. And that affects me negatively as well (obviously). I don’t want to hate what I’m good at, so there you are.

Secondly, my faithful yet slow and prehistoric laptop took a swan dive into the cemetery of computers of which there’s no return. Sooo, I’d been without internet access for a couple weeks. If you want to know the meaning of withdrawal, that would be it.

So now I have access to the internet, but it’s through an iPad and I have yet to acquire a keyboard for it. As with most things, these are expensive and might be a while before I get one. In the the meantime, I have to type everything out letter by letter with my stylus and that’s annoying.

To make a long story shorter (?) I’m trying to say is that my posts might be sporadic for a while. Thanks for sticking around and if you’re still around in the future then I thank you even more. I hope I can get back to writing again soon.


I don’t have a smartphone.

I don’t have an iPhone either.

I have a simple flip phone and every couple of months I have to put money on it for it to be active. Oftentimes I forget and have to call the company to re-activate the phone before adding the money.

People are shocked when they learn this. They can’t comprehend that there’s a human in the world that doesn’t have a cell phone that has the world at the fingertips.

I don’t mind. Not really. I don’t need the world at my fingertips. I only have a cell phone in case of an emergency. My mom and a couple of close friends know my number just in case something goes wrong and I need them.

I’m sure that most people in the world has that one piece of technology that they refuse to take part in and the cell phone’s mine. If you want to talk to me, call me on my landline. Or can you can message me through my social media and I will get to either eventually. You don’t need me at my fingertips. You don’t need to be a hold of me for every second of the day. Unless a family member or myself is dying or seriously ill, then whatever you have to say isn’t that important.

It will reach me eventually.

Writing the Old Fashioned Way

When it comes to writing, I’m a bit old fashioned. Whenever possible, I try to write theold fashioned way: through pen and paper. Even when I’m writing a blog entry, I try to start out by writing it longhand. I don’t always do it that way, but I try to whenever possible.

I love the feel of holding a pen in my hands and the movement of it against the paper. Writing longhand allows me to slow down and think about what I want to say. It makes each word more important, more carefully chosen rather than than tossing them carelessly out in the wind through the speed of writing on the computer as soon as the thought comes to the top of my head. It makes you decide if you really want to put it down on paper and whether or not you’ll really regret writing it. It’s not always so, sometimes you need to write down whatever comes to mind, but it helps you write it more clearly and calmly.

There are exceptions to every rule, of course. Sometimes you need the speed of typing. If you need to write a cover letter or a paper for a class, typing would be much quicker. If you’re writing something that’s on a deadline, of course it’d be more logical to type on the computer than write it out before typing it up. Not to mention that if you have bad handingwriting, typing would be easier for everybody involved. Nobody wants a headache trying to read someone’s handwriting.

Not to mention writing everything out by hand gives you cramps. It seems few of us hold a pen or pencil correctly, each of us gripping it too tightly or the wrong way so that the stabs of pain surges through your fingers. While typing causes cramps, it doesn’t do so as quickly as physically writing does.

Both typing and writing longhand have their pluses and minuses. Each one is valid and appropriate (especially depending on what and when you’re writing it). Technology is great when you want to get ahead of the curve and into the future of society, but sometimes there’s nothing like doing things the old fashioned way (especially when technology fails!)

Question of the Day: How do you like to write? Are you all for technology, or do you prefer some old fashioned ways? Or do you think there should be a good balance between the two?